








 2. 宽带隙半导体制备与应用探索;

 3. 软磁功能材料制备与磁探测应用;

 4. 石墨深加工材料制备与应用。










1992.9— 1996.7 山东(工业)大学学士学位

1996.9— 1998.7 大连理工大学三束材料改性国家重点实验室读硕士(转直博)

1998.9— 2001.12 大连理工大学三束材料改性国家重点实验室 博士学位

2002.3— 2004.4 清华大学物理系博士后


2004.5— 2007.7清华大学助理研究员、副研究员

2007.9— 2018.7北京航空航天大学副教授

2018.8—至今 北京航空航天大学教授












起止 年月 单位 名称 兼职 职务

2016.9—至今 北京新材料技术协会 副会长

2008.12—至今中国电工学会电子束离子束专业委员会 委员

2009.3—至今 中国电子学会超导电子学专业委员会 委员

2010.9—至今 中国产学研合作促进会新材料专委会 委员

2006.8—至今 科技部863、973计划新材料/先进制造领域 评审/估专家

2007.8—至今 国家自然科学基金、航空科学基金等 评审专家















【1】Radiationeffects in high-temperature YBa2Cu3O7-x superconducting thin films withlow-energy protons for space radiation environments. Physica Scripta(2019). Li Fang,WangSansheng,Zhao penget al.

【2】Low-energy(40keV) proton irradiation of YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) thin films:Micro-Ramancharacterization and electrical transport properties. Chinese Physics B28.02(2019):406-413.Li Fang,WangSansheng,Wu Hanet al.

【3】Localizationerror of magnetic dipole by measuring remote magnetic field and field-gradienttensor.The 14th International Conference onElectronic Measurement & Instruments.SanSheng.Wang, GuoQiang. Shi,Zhang Mingji.

【4】ANew Design of Differential Metal Detector for Long Distance Metal Detection.The 14th International Conference on Electronic Measurement& Instruments.Wang Kun, Wang Sansheng, MaLiang.

【5】Study of precursor-solution purityforhigh-quality yttrium–barium–copper-oxide superconducting thin film[J].Journalof Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2018:1-9.Wang S S , Zhang Z L , Li MH , etal.

【6】Microstructure, magnetic properties and thegiant magnetoimpedanceeffect of amorphous CoSiB thin films deposited bydifferentpreparation methods.J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51(2018)455001.San-Sheng Wang, Yu Zhang, Jing-Yong Jiao and Zi-Yu Chen.

【7】Thickness and Temperature DependentOut-of-PlaneAnisotropy of Amorphous CoSiB Thin Films.Phys.Status Solidi B2018, 255, 1800041.Yu Zhang, San-Sheng Wang*, Fang Li, WenJiang, Zhu-Li Zhang,and Zi-Yu Chen.

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【14】Research on a Superconducting Magnetic Flux Concentrator foraGMI-Based Mixed Sensor[J]. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2014,24(5):1-5.Wang S , He T , Zhang Y .

【15】An Automatic Magnetic Permeability NDT Measurement Device forCylinder Ferrimagnetic Sample[J]. Applied Mechanics andMaterials, 2013,433-435:7.Wang S S , Zhang M J , Hou H , et al.

【16】Demagnetizing correction in permeability measurements ofcylinders[J]. Measurement Science & Technology, 2012,23(5):1122-1125.ChenD , Wang S , Cheng Y , et al.

【17】Three-Dimensional Micro-Displacement Control System for aConductor Defect Detection System. Applied Mechanics andMaterials,2012.Vol.588-589:1431-1436. Wang Sansheng,FanLiubin.

【18】Crystallization of cobalt amorphous alloys under field annealing.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2012, Vol.12(2):1074-1083.Song Y.,Sun Q., Jiang Y., Fang J., Wang S., & Zhang T.

【19】Design and Fabrication of Magnetic Sensor Based on GiantMagneto-Impedance Effect[J].稀有金属材料与工程,2011,40(S3):315-318.Kai G , Sansheng W , Hui Y , et al.

【20】Perpendicular ac susceptibility and critical current densityof distant superconducting twin films, Superconductor Scienceand Technology,2011, Vol. 24, 075004-075010 D-X,Chen,G Via, C Navau, NDel-Valle, ASanchez,S-SWang,,V Rouco, A Palau, And T Puig.

【21】Transition temperature of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x superconductingfilms prepared from commercial precursors. Rare Metal MaterialsandEngineering,2011, Vol.40(S3):368-371. Yue Bi, Sansheng Wang, Qingbin Hao.

【22】Design and fabrication of magnetic sensor based on giantmagneto-impedance effect.RareMetal Materials and Engineering,2011, Vol. 40(S3):315-318.Kai Guo, SanshengWang, Hui Yang, Xianghua Chu, Yan Xu.

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【24】High quality YBCO film growth on SrTiO3-buffered LaAlO3substrateby full solution method.J. Mater. Sci.Technol., 2008, Vol. 42(6),899-90 S. S. Wang, L.Wang, B. F. Gu.

【25】Microstructure and texture evolution of CeO2 buffer layersprepared via dip-coating sol–gel method on IBAD-YSZ/Hastelloysubstrates[J].Physica C Superconductivity & Its Applications, 2007,463-465:580-583.P.Du, S. S. Wang, W. Schmidt, Z. Han, H. W. Neumueller.

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【27】Asimple one-step heattreatment process for preparing biaxially textured bufferlayers on rolled Ni tape for high Tc coatedconductorsapplication[J].Physica C, 2005, Vol 418, 68 S. S. Wang, Z. Han,S.Chen,K. Shi, L. Liu

【28】Anomalous ac magnetic susceptibility of high-temperatureYBa2Cu3O7-x superconductors. Phys. Rev. B, 2005, Vol 72(5),052504-1-4 D.-X.Chen, E. Pardo, A.Sanchez, S.-S. Wang, Z. Han, B. Bartolome, X.Obradors.

【29】One-stepsol-gel growth of textured buffer layers on cold- rolled Ni substrates forcoated conductor fabrication.IEEETransactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2005, Vol. 15(2), 3001-3004.Sansheng Wang, Sheng Chen, Honglan Fu, Kai Shi, Li Liu, QingLiu, and Zhenghe Han

【30】YBCO film growth on CeO2-buffered YSZ substrate by fullsolution method. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2005,Vol. 18,1271-1274S.S. Wang, Z. Han, L. Qiu,L. Wang, P. Du, S. Chen.

【31】Preparation and Texture Evolution of Epitaxially GrownCeO2Buffer Layers Using Inorganic Salts for YBCO Coated Conductors.IEEETransactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2005, Vol. 15(2), 3016-3019ShengChen, Sansheng Wang, Kai Shi, Qing Liu, and Zhenghe Han.

【32】Chemical solution growth of CeO2 buffer and YBCO layers on IBAD-YSZ/Hastelloytemplates. Superconductor Science and Technology,2005, Vol18, 1468-1472. S. S. Wang, Z. Han, W. Schmidt, H. W.Neumuller, P. Du, L.Wang

【33】Biaxially textured CeO2 seed layers and thin films onNisubstrates by chemical solution deposition using inorganic cerium nitrate asaprecursor.Physica C, 2005, Vol. 418, 7-12S. Chen, S. S.Wang, K. Shi, Q. Liuand Z. Han.

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